Thursday 18 February 2016



Over the past two decades, a lot of successful art activities have taken place. Communities have been transformed, behavior change noticed in social, health and economical aspects. It is beyond doubt that art has contributed very much in this regard. Theatre plays were produced and played, songs composed, poems recited to effect change in Hurungwe but never before has all these successful efforts celebrated.
Therefore Baptism Of Fire has undertaken this opportunity to organize Hurungwe Arts Festival. This period is characterized by farmers who would have harvested well and taking time to celebrate and feast. This practice was long abandoned in the Korekore culture hence needs to revive.
However, Hurungwe is no longer for the Korekore people only. People have migrated from all over Zimbabwe in search of fertile farming land available here. In this regard we intend to host a national event that would allow different art acts from around the country to cater for the diverse audience in Hurungwe.
        to develop a better understanding and appreciation of arts among Zimbabweans and its linkage to socio-economic, health, educational and human rights needs of the society by introducing quality indigenous, regional and international talents while at the same time offering the public other diverse cultures with the aim of fostering understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.
       Creating an annual, unique, thrilling new form of entertainment as well as further raise performance standards within the creative industries in Zimbabwe with a focus of marginalized arts genres: poetry, traditional dance and theatre through exposure to professionals in the field.
       Providing, through the festival, training workshops to performance artists.
       Providing family entertainment for audiences of different cultural backgrounds, two days in a row: Friday and Saturday, once every year in Karoi.
       Hurungwe Arts Festival will act as a forum for exposing and developing talent. Baptism Of Fire will provide a professional environment for artists and audiences
        Working in partnership with the private sector and NGOs with visions of realizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on the cultural development front.
The Festival
The 3rd Edition of Hurungwe Arts Festival aims to showcase artistic and musical expressions outside the usual spaces and conditions to reach out to new audiences. Hurungwe Arts Festival is a platform that encourages artistic encounters, as well as intellectual and playful dialogues between artists and their audiences.

The Theme
For the 3rd Edition of the Hurungwe Arts Festival the theme is
“It’s Time”
Hurungwe Arts Festival invites artists of all disciplines to reflect on the question of the past, present and future, stimulating the imagination in a creative way.

The capacity building events offer perspectives and insights on issues affecting artists. The aim is to encourage them to know and take charge of their circumstances. These events are open to all artists attending the festival.
Art Events
Hurungwe Arts Festival encompasses diverse arts genres such as music, dance, drama, poetry and visual arts. The aim of these arts activities is to promote social change using expressive arts.
On top of Art events and workshops, this year’s edition will bring exhibitors from different walks of life. “ITS TIME” for cooperates and artists to celebrate their creativity and accomplishments through showcasing and marketing their products. The festival ground will be hosting exhibitors ranging from corporate, arts and craft, literature, health and beauty and all festival participants are free to visit these stands.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Baptism of Fire Director named provincial Human Rights Defender

By Nhau Mangirazi

All smiles... Skumbuzo Sibanda won the Mashonaland West Human Rights Defender for 2014 

Baptism of Fire director, Skumbuzo Sibanda was nominated as Mashonaland West provincial human rights defender at an event hosted in Bulawayo late last year.
Sibanda shrugged off stiff competition from many human rights defenders forced to operate undercover due to the hostility by some misinformed State agencies who believe that human rights issues are part of regime change agenda by some Non Governmental Organizations working in cahoots with opposition parties
Sibanda got a floating trophy and some cash for the sponsor Norwegian People Aid.

The 46 year old Hurungwe actor, health, women and children rights advocate says he is inspired that the communities understand the role of human rights defenders.
“We used theater as part of human rights promotion and we are part of watchdogs of human rights violations that were rampant within Mashonaland West. All we were doing was to remain committed to share, alerting them on their rights. We engaged some policy makers including councilors, traditional leaders and some residents on service delivery and it is working as a human rights issue said Sibanda in an interview.

He added that their thrust as human rights defenders is appreciated by the fact that they have been doing this as part of community service.

Human rights part of community development

Human rights must be part of community development and we have been keeping citizens informed on their rights to vote, attend public meetings, rights to be heard as well as protection. Though perpetrators of violence used to target us, the accusations were baseless as we remain apolitical. A human right remains a right to everyone as everyone is equal in terms of law“he added.
Perseverance paid for Sibanda and Baptism of Fire theater group groomed by Zimrights in the late 1990s engaged in theater for development and ever since the group has been travelling around the country on HIV and AIDS, maternal health, malaria, women and children rights among other topical issues affecting the communities.

Do not violate the law

His parting words to upcoming human rights defenders, Sibanda said,Human rights must not violate the law, those who want to hold public meetings must seek police clearance as required by the law. As human rights defenders we must avoid double standards and be political activists. We must have the passion not to gain financially but serve the communities to get respect from them. It is not full time employment as watchdogs of human rights violations on everyone regardless of their political affiliation

Baptism of Fire hosted inaugural Hurungwe Arts Festival in November that was a major success as it drew artists from Bulawayo, Kadoma, Harare and locals who showcased drama plays, traditional dances, poetry and some jokes from Uncle Richie, Nqobile Malinga among others.       

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Hurungwe Arts Festival official opening speech in Shona

Pamusoroi vakokwa vese kunyanya Ishe vedunhu rino Ishe Kazangarare, vashandi vemapazi  eHurumende kusanganisira vebazi reDzidzo, bazi remitambo netsika, bazi revechidiki, nemamwe mapazi ese eHurumende.

Ndinochingamidza zvakare vauya vakamirira sangano reCulture Fund avo vanove vakatibatsira kuti tiite hurongwa uhwu tichifara tose. Pasina ivo nhimbe yemafaro yatinayo pano ingadai isina kubudirira.

Nditendereiwo kugamuchira vese vauya pano kubva kumativi mana enyika kuuya kuHurungwe kwatinoti kunorira mburungwe yemafaro.

Muchidimbu nhoroondo ye Hurungwe Arts Festival yakanangana nekusimudzira hunyanzvi hwekuita mitambo yekuedzesera amunoti ma drama muchirungu, mitambo yechinyakare yakafanana ne mangwingwindo, dinhe, chinyamusasure, mafuwe, kudetemba kwemafaro, uye mimwe mitambo inogona kuve chitiiko kuno kuHurungwe mudunhu reMashonaland West.

Tine vana vedu vane hunyanzvi mukuimba vanga vasiri kuzivikanwa uye ndiwo mukana wamuri kuvaona vachiitawo zvavanogona.

Ko kana munhu achigona tingatadze kurovawo mhururu here? Ndosaka takukokai pano 

Tiri kufara kuti ve chikwata che Baptism of Fire vakave nhungamiri pakubatsira gorokoto ratinaro pano remwana mutsva aberekwa pano. Mwana aberekwa mukufara, mumba medu ngamugare mune mafaro ejekerere kubva pano kusvika mumisha medu tese.

Ndiro dangwe redunhu reMashonaland West asi abviswa rukuvhute ratiri kurasira pasi pezvikomo zveHurungwe pachirira mburungwe.
Mafaro akadai anovengwa nevaroyi asi kune isu veHurungwe takawanda tinoti kuwanda huuya saka takukokai kuti tive nemi pano zuva ranhasi pachikamu che Hurungwe Arts Festival.

Tiri kufara kuti mitambo yatinayo pano haisi yekuedzana masimba kune vechiri kutanga nevamwe vachiri kutanga, aiwa kwete, kutandara tichifara tose tichisimudzirana.  Ndiro donzvo redu guru uye hwaro hwemafaro akadai aya.

Hurungwe ndiyo ine vana vakaita mukurumbira mukuimba vakaita samushakabvu Biggie Tembo uyo akaberekwa achinzi Mhosva Marasha aibva kwa Sabhuku Nyamupfukudza kuDoro uku pasi paShe Nematombo. Ndiye muimbi wekutanga kuenda kumagarachando Ku Britain kumakore ekuma1980 uko.

Tine vana vane mukurumbira kusanganisira vana mushakabvu Prince Tendai Mupfurutsa aibva paMagunje apa. Pane vamwe vakaita saArtwell Matamba, Admire Kasenga.

Parizvino tine vamwe vachiri kuita mukurumbira vakaita saTatenda Mahachi akakokwa kuSouth Africa Gospel show iro svondo rino. Pane musikana anonzi Tariro Madiro wekuChiva uku nevamwe vakawanda chaizvo kuratidza kuti kune zvipo zvakasiyana zvinoda kusimudzirwa.

Ndiko kusaka taita mutambo uyu, tisifara abiyanguweeeeeeeeeee. 

Tinavo vakawanda vakaita izvi asi hwaro hwendaro rino kuti zvakaitwa izvi hazvifaniri kufira pasi.

Nhasi tati titange nhimbe yemafaro kubudikidza neHurungwe Arts Festival iyo tinotarisira kuti vanhu tese tinofanira kubatana kuramba tichiita mumatunhu ese eHurungwe kusanganisira kwemadzishe akaita saIshe Chundu, Mjinga, Nematombo nevamw vese munguva inotevera, hazvisi zvemudhorobha reKaroi chete, aiwa ndezvenyu imi vagary ve Hurungwe.

Pamazuva maviri ano ngatidzidze kukosha kwechivanhu chedu mutsika nemagariro edu sevanhu vatema.

Koshesai chivanhu uye mudunhu rino reHurungwe magara mune zvinoera saka tinoti ve Culture Fund musanete kuramba muchitibatsira kuti mhemberero dzekubarwa kwedangwe redu iri Hurungwe Arts Festival dzirambe dziripo kusvika ave kufamba, apa ndinoreva kuti rambai munesu pamakore anotevera pamafaro akadai.

Ngatifare kuti tidzidze sezvo kugara nhaka houna dzevamwe, isu toti zvikomo zvinokumbidzana mhute, apa tese ngatibve nezvishoma zvatinobata mushure mekudzidza, kutamba kuri pano pasi pechirongwa cheHurungwe Arts Festival.

Uyu mwana wenyu vagari veHurungwe dunhu reMashonaland West uye nyika yese zvayo pakuda kuchengetedza tsika nehunhu uye kusimudzira zvipo zviri muvana vedu ava vatiri kuda kusiira nhaka.

Ndinotenda nenguva yamandipa kuzarura mutambo uno zviri pamutemo ndichiti kuvaenzi vese, sunungukai, Hurungwe inokutambirai nemufaro.

Zuva ranhasi tiri kuti Hurungwe Kacha, mburungwe kuHurungwe uye meita musija nabiyenyu kuno vana veGorekore.

Ndatenda, vadzimu vepasi vedunhu rino vanofara kana tichiita ungano dzemafaro akadai. Mwari vakuitirei zvakanaka pamazuva amunenge muchifara uye kudzidza tsika nehunhu mumitambo, nhetembo uye mafaro ekubatana.

Hurungwe DA Tsana Chirau

Maphosa urges artists to be cautious on time

Daniel Maphosa stressing a point in Karoi at the weekend during Hurungwe Arts Festival 
By Nhau Mangirazi
KAROI- Some of Zimbabwean artists are poor and laughing stock in the society after they failed to prepare for the future besides their popularity.
Addressing artists who participated during Hurungwe Arts Festival here, Savanna Trust official Daniel Maphosa bemoaned the behavior of some artists who are always on ‘’stage’’ even in real times.
‘’It is disheartening that some artists hardly plan what must be done and never plan for their future. Many are enjoying popularity but have nothing to show off as their families are starving. Why do you want to remain a stage character? If you are uncaring husband on stage, you take it to the real life scenario. It is a pity that many of us are making drama actors laughing stock in the art industry. Few of us can manage their time and take acting as a past time. We want committed artist who take this as a profession’’ said Maphosa.
He added that some artists are failures in life as they lack vision in their plans.
‘’Any individual or organization must have a vision and mission to plan in advance and achieve their goals. None of us has a vision to be the laughing stock of the society but if you do not manage your time you remain failures and laughing stock. It is pathetic that some bands do not have costumes that give them a brand, ‘’ Said Maphosa.
However some artists appealed to organizations such as Savanna Trust to assist them on time management skills in arts industry as they strive to make a positive input in future.
Maphosa agreed that he is prepared to impart his knowledge and skills to upcoming drama groups so that they remain professional.
‘’I am committed to see the art industry doing its best and the artists living a better after their best days in the profession’’ said Maphosa.

Hurungwe based Baptism of Fire mooted the Hurungwe Arts Festival showcase and was assisted financially by Culture Fund with the aid of Sweden embassy in a bid to promote talented musicians, poets and traditional dancers among other in outlaying areas.

Hurungwe Arts Festival must open new avenues for artist- DA

Hurungwe DA official Mrs Chikaka delivering official speech in Karoi at the weekend

By Nhau Mangirazi

KAROI- Hurungwe Arts Festival must open new avenues for artists as they pursuit of showcasing their talents and the community must remain united to achieve the goals.
Officially opening the two day music, dance, poetry and theatre extravaganza at the weekend in Karoi, Hurungwe administrator Tsana Chirau said art ‘’remains a form of entertainment and source of employment’’ for youths.
‘’We are grateful that when Baptism of Fire mooted Hurungwe Arts Festival idea, it was not meant for them as a drama group but for the community and the nation at large. The event must open new avenues for upcoming artists so that they are rewarded in the long run in life. We welcome you to Hurungwe where art is a form entertainment and employment. We look forward to see those involved taking it seriously. Those showcasing their talents must be rest assured that they have our commitment to uplift them wherever the need arises’’, Said Chirau.
She added that traditional leaders including Chief Kazangarare under which Karoi town falls were happy to be associated with the success of Hurungwe Arts Festival.
‘’Traditional leaders here are happy that they will interact with the youths so that they maintain the values of humanity. We are happy that the spirit of togetherness will continue as we celebrate the new born child in our family called Hurungwe Arts Festival whose identity is about culture diversity, creativity and exposure. This must not be a one off thing but we appeal to our sponsors Culture Fund to continue helping us as a committed community when the need arises’’ she said.
The Hurungwe Arts festival is the brainchild of Baptism of Fire who got financial support from Culture Fund and it’s the first of its kind in Mashonaland West province.

It drew participants from Bulawayo, Kadoma, Harare as well as rural outskirts that showcased their plays, poems, traditional dances and jokes from Uncle Richie and Doc Vickella outsmarting each other.

Friday 28 November 2014

Chief Kazangarare urges traditional values …..Hurungwe Arts Festival kicks off in Karoi

By Nhau Mangirazi in Karoi
Chief Kazangarare is urging youths to preserve cultural values and remain focused in safeguarding Zimbabwean humility.
Speaking during the traditional opening ceremony of Hurungwe Arts Festive being hosted by Baptism of Fire on Friday, Chief Kazangarare said there is need for youths to preserve values from elders.
Chikangwe primary pupils during the opening ceremony of Hurungwe Arts Festival hosted by Baptism of Fire 

‘’We are happy that Baptism of Fire are hosting Hurungwe Arts Festival and have seen it fit to inform us. We are grateful that we are interlinking to maintain better standards of life traditionally. As youths, we look forward to see you working closely with elders. We will not give up assisting you when the need arises. That is what we call humanity. Discipline is self behavior. It is good that some rural folks never thought urbanites could organize such an event. Our new constitution gives us the mandate to uphold the traditional values’’, he said.
Ministry of Sports Arts and Culture district officer Jembere said there is need to take charge on intangible cultural heritage.
‘’It is natural that we must greet our elders but this will diminish if we do not preserve it. Let us all be one in this fight and this festival is the starting point for more things to come’’, said Jembere.
Baptism of Fire Director, BOF, of communication Skumbuzo Sibanda said the Hurungwe Arts Festival will open new avenues for upcoming artists including musicians, drama.

This is the opportunity for promoters to assist upcoming musicians. Hurungwe has artistic talent that need to be utilized through promotion, he added.

are sponsoring the event that has drawn artists from Kadoma, Bulawayo, Harare, Chinhoyi among others.    

Sunday 23 November 2014

Jazz Nicolai Dzomba will be at HAF

By Our Reporter
Nineteen year old Nicholas Dzomba is a young jazz musician popularly known as Nicolai in Karoi town who is still yet to make it to the outside world though he has produced three albums.
He believes the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival, HAF will be the best opportunity to showcase his talent.

‘’I hope that the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival will be the spring board for us to get promoters as we are hardly known out of Karoi. Our music is universal but is limited to our local supporters. Promoters must come on board during this arts festival’’ he says.
He is among several young virtually unknown in musical world but has made strides after he produced three albums and a video.
His band has six members and performs at weddings, church services upon invitation.
Born in Hurungwe’s Chief Chundu area, Dzomba grew up in Karoi where he attended both primary and secondary schools
His themes are about social life and how traditional leaders play a critical role to instill discipline among youths.
Dzomba says his video titled Cheche Gudu chee will be out soon.
Hurugwe Arts Festival programs officers Joel Zilala says there will be workshops and artists will learn how they can be taken seriously in their profession.
‘’We have created a platform for all artists through this festival and its good that new musicians are well equipped with information about their future’’ says Zilala.

Hurungwe Arts Festival will kick start s on 28 November in Karoi town.