Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Hurungwe Arts Festival official opening speech in Shona

Pamusoroi vakokwa vese kunyanya Ishe vedunhu rino Ishe Kazangarare, vashandi vemapazi  eHurumende kusanganisira vebazi reDzidzo, bazi remitambo netsika, bazi revechidiki, nemamwe mapazi ese eHurumende.

Ndinochingamidza zvakare vauya vakamirira sangano reCulture Fund avo vanove vakatibatsira kuti tiite hurongwa uhwu tichifara tose. Pasina ivo nhimbe yemafaro yatinayo pano ingadai isina kubudirira.

Nditendereiwo kugamuchira vese vauya pano kubva kumativi mana enyika kuuya kuHurungwe kwatinoti kunorira mburungwe yemafaro.

Muchidimbu nhoroondo ye Hurungwe Arts Festival yakanangana nekusimudzira hunyanzvi hwekuita mitambo yekuedzesera amunoti ma drama muchirungu, mitambo yechinyakare yakafanana ne mangwingwindo, dinhe, chinyamusasure, mafuwe, kudetemba kwemafaro, uye mimwe mitambo inogona kuve chitiiko kuno kuHurungwe mudunhu reMashonaland West.

Tine vana vedu vane hunyanzvi mukuimba vanga vasiri kuzivikanwa uye ndiwo mukana wamuri kuvaona vachiitawo zvavanogona.

Ko kana munhu achigona tingatadze kurovawo mhururu here? Ndosaka takukokai pano 

Tiri kufara kuti ve chikwata che Baptism of Fire vakave nhungamiri pakubatsira gorokoto ratinaro pano remwana mutsva aberekwa pano. Mwana aberekwa mukufara, mumba medu ngamugare mune mafaro ejekerere kubva pano kusvika mumisha medu tese.

Ndiro dangwe redunhu reMashonaland West asi abviswa rukuvhute ratiri kurasira pasi pezvikomo zveHurungwe pachirira mburungwe.
Mafaro akadai anovengwa nevaroyi asi kune isu veHurungwe takawanda tinoti kuwanda huuya saka takukokai kuti tive nemi pano zuva ranhasi pachikamu che Hurungwe Arts Festival.

Tiri kufara kuti mitambo yatinayo pano haisi yekuedzana masimba kune vechiri kutanga nevamwe vachiri kutanga, aiwa kwete, kutandara tichifara tose tichisimudzirana.  Ndiro donzvo redu guru uye hwaro hwemafaro akadai aya.

Hurungwe ndiyo ine vana vakaita mukurumbira mukuimba vakaita samushakabvu Biggie Tembo uyo akaberekwa achinzi Mhosva Marasha aibva kwa Sabhuku Nyamupfukudza kuDoro uku pasi paShe Nematombo. Ndiye muimbi wekutanga kuenda kumagarachando Ku Britain kumakore ekuma1980 uko.

Tine vana vane mukurumbira kusanganisira vana mushakabvu Prince Tendai Mupfurutsa aibva paMagunje apa. Pane vamwe vakaita saArtwell Matamba, Admire Kasenga.

Parizvino tine vamwe vachiri kuita mukurumbira vakaita saTatenda Mahachi akakokwa kuSouth Africa Gospel show iro svondo rino. Pane musikana anonzi Tariro Madiro wekuChiva uku nevamwe vakawanda chaizvo kuratidza kuti kune zvipo zvakasiyana zvinoda kusimudzirwa.

Ndiko kusaka taita mutambo uyu, tisifara abiyanguweeeeeeeeeee. 

Tinavo vakawanda vakaita izvi asi hwaro hwendaro rino kuti zvakaitwa izvi hazvifaniri kufira pasi.

Nhasi tati titange nhimbe yemafaro kubudikidza neHurungwe Arts Festival iyo tinotarisira kuti vanhu tese tinofanira kubatana kuramba tichiita mumatunhu ese eHurungwe kusanganisira kwemadzishe akaita saIshe Chundu, Mjinga, Nematombo nevamw vese munguva inotevera, hazvisi zvemudhorobha reKaroi chete, aiwa ndezvenyu imi vagary ve Hurungwe.

Pamazuva maviri ano ngatidzidze kukosha kwechivanhu chedu mutsika nemagariro edu sevanhu vatema.

Koshesai chivanhu uye mudunhu rino reHurungwe magara mune zvinoera saka tinoti ve Culture Fund musanete kuramba muchitibatsira kuti mhemberero dzekubarwa kwedangwe redu iri Hurungwe Arts Festival dzirambe dziripo kusvika ave kufamba, apa ndinoreva kuti rambai munesu pamakore anotevera pamafaro akadai.

Ngatifare kuti tidzidze sezvo kugara nhaka houna dzevamwe, isu toti zvikomo zvinokumbidzana mhute, apa tese ngatibve nezvishoma zvatinobata mushure mekudzidza, kutamba kuri pano pasi pechirongwa cheHurungwe Arts Festival.

Uyu mwana wenyu vagari veHurungwe dunhu reMashonaland West uye nyika yese zvayo pakuda kuchengetedza tsika nehunhu uye kusimudzira zvipo zviri muvana vedu ava vatiri kuda kusiira nhaka.

Ndinotenda nenguva yamandipa kuzarura mutambo uno zviri pamutemo ndichiti kuvaenzi vese, sunungukai, Hurungwe inokutambirai nemufaro.

Zuva ranhasi tiri kuti Hurungwe Kacha, mburungwe kuHurungwe uye meita musija nabiyenyu kuno vana veGorekore.

Ndatenda, vadzimu vepasi vedunhu rino vanofara kana tichiita ungano dzemafaro akadai. Mwari vakuitirei zvakanaka pamazuva amunenge muchifara uye kudzidza tsika nehunhu mumitambo, nhetembo uye mafaro ekubatana.

Hurungwe DA Tsana Chirau

Maphosa urges artists to be cautious on time

Daniel Maphosa stressing a point in Karoi at the weekend during Hurungwe Arts Festival 
By Nhau Mangirazi
KAROI- Some of Zimbabwean artists are poor and laughing stock in the society after they failed to prepare for the future besides their popularity.
Addressing artists who participated during Hurungwe Arts Festival here, Savanna Trust official Daniel Maphosa bemoaned the behavior of some artists who are always on ‘’stage’’ even in real times.
‘’It is disheartening that some artists hardly plan what must be done and never plan for their future. Many are enjoying popularity but have nothing to show off as their families are starving. Why do you want to remain a stage character? If you are uncaring husband on stage, you take it to the real life scenario. It is a pity that many of us are making drama actors laughing stock in the art industry. Few of us can manage their time and take acting as a past time. We want committed artist who take this as a profession’’ said Maphosa.
He added that some artists are failures in life as they lack vision in their plans.
‘’Any individual or organization must have a vision and mission to plan in advance and achieve their goals. None of us has a vision to be the laughing stock of the society but if you do not manage your time you remain failures and laughing stock. It is pathetic that some bands do not have costumes that give them a brand, ‘’ Said Maphosa.
However some artists appealed to organizations such as Savanna Trust to assist them on time management skills in arts industry as they strive to make a positive input in future.
Maphosa agreed that he is prepared to impart his knowledge and skills to upcoming drama groups so that they remain professional.
‘’I am committed to see the art industry doing its best and the artists living a better after their best days in the profession’’ said Maphosa.

Hurungwe based Baptism of Fire mooted the Hurungwe Arts Festival showcase and was assisted financially by Culture Fund with the aid of Sweden embassy in a bid to promote talented musicians, poets and traditional dancers among other in outlaying areas.

Hurungwe Arts Festival must open new avenues for artist- DA

Hurungwe DA official Mrs Chikaka delivering official speech in Karoi at the weekend

By Nhau Mangirazi

KAROI- Hurungwe Arts Festival must open new avenues for artists as they pursuit of showcasing their talents and the community must remain united to achieve the goals.
Officially opening the two day music, dance, poetry and theatre extravaganza at the weekend in Karoi, Hurungwe administrator Tsana Chirau said art ‘’remains a form of entertainment and source of employment’’ for youths.
‘’We are grateful that when Baptism of Fire mooted Hurungwe Arts Festival idea, it was not meant for them as a drama group but for the community and the nation at large. The event must open new avenues for upcoming artists so that they are rewarded in the long run in life. We welcome you to Hurungwe where art is a form entertainment and employment. We look forward to see those involved taking it seriously. Those showcasing their talents must be rest assured that they have our commitment to uplift them wherever the need arises’’, Said Chirau.
She added that traditional leaders including Chief Kazangarare under which Karoi town falls were happy to be associated with the success of Hurungwe Arts Festival.
‘’Traditional leaders here are happy that they will interact with the youths so that they maintain the values of humanity. We are happy that the spirit of togetherness will continue as we celebrate the new born child in our family called Hurungwe Arts Festival whose identity is about culture diversity, creativity and exposure. This must not be a one off thing but we appeal to our sponsors Culture Fund to continue helping us as a committed community when the need arises’’ she said.
The Hurungwe Arts festival is the brainchild of Baptism of Fire who got financial support from Culture Fund and it’s the first of its kind in Mashonaland West province.

It drew participants from Bulawayo, Kadoma, Harare as well as rural outskirts that showcased their plays, poems, traditional dances and jokes from Uncle Richie and Doc Vickella outsmarting each other.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Chief Kazangarare urges traditional values …..Hurungwe Arts Festival kicks off in Karoi

By Nhau Mangirazi in Karoi
Chief Kazangarare is urging youths to preserve cultural values and remain focused in safeguarding Zimbabwean humility.
Speaking during the traditional opening ceremony of Hurungwe Arts Festive being hosted by Baptism of Fire on Friday, Chief Kazangarare said there is need for youths to preserve values from elders.
Chikangwe primary pupils during the opening ceremony of Hurungwe Arts Festival hosted by Baptism of Fire 

‘’We are happy that Baptism of Fire are hosting Hurungwe Arts Festival and have seen it fit to inform us. We are grateful that we are interlinking to maintain better standards of life traditionally. As youths, we look forward to see you working closely with elders. We will not give up assisting you when the need arises. That is what we call humanity. Discipline is self behavior. It is good that some rural folks never thought urbanites could organize such an event. Our new constitution gives us the mandate to uphold the traditional values’’, he said.
Ministry of Sports Arts and Culture district officer Jembere said there is need to take charge on intangible cultural heritage.
‘’It is natural that we must greet our elders but this will diminish if we do not preserve it. Let us all be one in this fight and this festival is the starting point for more things to come’’, said Jembere.
Baptism of Fire Director, BOF, of communication Skumbuzo Sibanda said the Hurungwe Arts Festival will open new avenues for upcoming artists including musicians, drama.

This is the opportunity for promoters to assist upcoming musicians. Hurungwe has artistic talent that need to be utilized through promotion, he added.

are sponsoring the event that has drawn artists from Kadoma, Bulawayo, Harare, Chinhoyi among others.    

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Jazz Nicolai Dzomba will be at HAF

By Our Reporter
Nineteen year old Nicholas Dzomba is a young jazz musician popularly known as Nicolai in Karoi town who is still yet to make it to the outside world though he has produced three albums.
He believes the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival, HAF will be the best opportunity to showcase his talent.

‘’I hope that the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival will be the spring board for us to get promoters as we are hardly known out of Karoi. Our music is universal but is limited to our local supporters. Promoters must come on board during this arts festival’’ he says.
He is among several young virtually unknown in musical world but has made strides after he produced three albums and a video.
His band has six members and performs at weddings, church services upon invitation.
Born in Hurungwe’s Chief Chundu area, Dzomba grew up in Karoi where he attended both primary and secondary schools
His themes are about social life and how traditional leaders play a critical role to instill discipline among youths.
Dzomba says his video titled Cheche Gudu chee will be out soon.
Hurugwe Arts Festival programs officers Joel Zilala says there will be workshops and artists will learn how they can be taken seriously in their profession.
‘’We have created a platform for all artists through this festival and its good that new musicians are well equipped with information about their future’’ says Zilala.

Hurungwe Arts Festival will kick start s on 28 November in Karoi town.


Hurungwe artists you must know

By Nhau Mangirazi

Hurungwe has produced some of country artists nationally and internationally.
1-      Biggie Tembo aka Mhosva Marasha. Born on 31 October 1957, Tembo committed suicide in 1995. He was a lead vocalist and guitarist for Bhundu Boys, the first musical band to tour United Kingdom in early 1980s.

The late Biggie Tembo

His jit music includes Simbinino, Babamudiki Francis, Kuroja Chete and Kutambura among others made him popular. He was attached to his rural home under headman Nyamupfukudza, Chief Nematombo.
‘’Tembo used to sponsor school music competitions and was an inspiration to us, donating music kits to winners’’ says Rachel Matemba, a villager in Doro area. He remains an international musical hero from Hurungwe.
2- Artwell Matamba now late, was a drummer and vocalist for Hurungwe Sounds formed in 1980. He hailed from Chitimbe village, Karereshi under Chief Nematombo. He was a caretaker at Chikangwe Secondary School in Karoi. He composed a song titled Takasarudza Mutungamiriri in praise of President Robert Mugabe and it made headlines.
Admire Kasenga, now late. Born in 1970 in Karoi town and passed on in 1994. He was the lead vocalist of leader of Ngosimbi Crew formed while working in Mutoko the group that had hit songs including Aunt Rhoda, Pamuchato waTobias, and Chitima Nditakure zvangu. Kasenga hailed from Chief Chundu.
4- Prince Tendai Mupfurutsa passed on in 2011 aged 54. He was a music promoter and businessman. He came from Mupfurutsa village, Chief Nematombo. He called his music ‘’barbed wire’’.
His ‘’Character’’ song was played all night long during his funeral wake. Mourners were drawn from all over country including villagers, entertainment reporters and politicians.
Mupfurutsa initiated developmental projects for the community including sinking a borehole, grading a road and had plans to build a clinic.

5- Mitchell Jambo was born 17 October 1960 at Dadzi area in Hurungwe. He attended Karuru primary school. In 1984, he joined Sungura Boys led by late John Chibadura as a door man. He formed Marunga Brothers but later relocated to South Africa for ‘’new projects’’. Life is getting tough for Ndini Uyo hit-maker with 26 minutes, now selling discs to survive.
Lucky Mumiriki Ex Ochestra talented rhythm guitarist hails from Karuru village under Chief Chundu  
6 Joseph Soza of Tsarukano Brothers, born in Karoi in 1970, he attended Karoi high school. He was among Jambo’s band members before embarking on solo project for hit song Ndiwe Chete Mudzimai Wangu. He moved to South Africa, Soza is now a gospel musician. Born again Christian with Kingdom Ambassadors Ministers, Soza recorded his fifth album in 2013. Pastor Nathaniel Tshikororo, says Soza is ‘’one of the best gospel artists. His music is powerful and we hope many will be lured to the kingdom of God. It will touch many souls’’

7 –Tatenda Mahachi grew up in Chikangwe, Karoi. His rural home is under headman Karimudenga, Chief Kazangarare He is now an international gospel musician, invited to attend South Africa gospel music awards, will collaborate with South African musicians including Sfiso Ncwane. He has done so with Prudence Katomeni- Mbofana. Mahachi was recently appointed ambassador for Care at the Core of Humanity, a non governmental organization that champions children’s rights.
8- Talent Madiro- Born in Hurungwe Chiva area, Madiro is the only female voice of gospel music from Hurungwe. Her album Prophecy made shock waves on Radio Zimbabwe Top Twenty.  Song Neni Ndiitereiwo was rated top song beating Sebastian Magacha’s Tinoenda Kure. Tinokurumbidzai was on number 6 under Gospel Channel.  . 
9- Sodias Mutobvu a poet, who made headlines during then Radio 2’s Shona poetry program, hails from Chikova village, Chief Kazangarare. His poems include Chikomo CheHurungwe where he explains how traditional values are esteemed Hurungwe shrine.
Eliot Magunje (1965-2003), was an actor who played as ‘’Madzibaba Jazzman’’ in Paraffin drama series. Born in Magunje area where he was buried and was inspirational to many. He hailed from Karengesha village near Magunje under Chief Nematombo.  
10 Baptism of Fire theatre group
Formed in 1989 in Karambazungu, headman Mangisi, founders include Cousin Zilala, Asan Zilala (now late), Skumbuzo Sibanda, Sifelani Dube, Isaac Mabvumba and Kakhamazi Hove. Sibanda is now director for the group that advocates for children and women rights on issues of gender, poverty, and maternal health among other social topics. Have performed during international functions such as Protest Art, HIFA and attended Jaunda Arts Festival among others.
 Hurungwe Arts Festival has the potential to make dreams of upcoming artist a reality.

Friday, 21 November 2014

ICON theatre ready to educate during Hurungwe Arts Festival

Icon as traditional tourism actors in  Gache Kache
Icon in Gache Kache 

By Nhau Mangirazi

Icon theatre is among youthful groups that will be at the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival on 28-29 November 2914.

Established in 2006 as talent for development group with 10 members, it became a professional theatre group three years later in Karoi town covering Hurungwe district but now perform in Mashonaland West province and the country as a whole.

Executive director Funwell Leo Magada says they started from humble beginnings at primary and secondary schools around Hurungwe.

‘’We did many performances around Hurungwe for a start to see how is our group’s production was accepted.  We had full houses every time we performed. Teachers and pupils’ comments on our appraisal forms were inspirational. We had different tours around Mashonaland West, walking long distances as some of the schools are located where there is no transport but we had no option but to strive for the best’’ says Magada.

Magada says the community must ‘’ value arts as an industry and have a shared perspective and informed decision making for their social well-being through advocacy’’

He says they look forward to see youths gaining effective access to quality adolescent sexual and reproductive health information, education and service in order to make informed choices concerning their lives.

It will further assist communities to acquire the necessary skills in order to fully enjoy their sexual and reproductive rights and spearhead advocacy for these rights.

Icon aims to empower communities and develop ethic and civic responsibilities in order to contribute their own social well-being, understand that art is an industry and information dissemination tool.

The group has been engaged with organizations such as Women Aids Support Network, Schools Aids Action Committees, Patsimeredu edutainment Trust, Staybridge Arts, Bambambela, Baptism of Fire, Savanna Trust. Rimuka-Tamuka traditional dance group, Shingirai drama group, human rights and advocacy groups such as Zimbabwe civic education trust, National Constitutional Assembly, Civnet, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council, {ZNFPC}, Zimbabwe Red Cross Society Zimbabwe Development Community Program, (ZDCP), Heads of Christian Denominations,{HOCD}, Ministry of Health and Child Care among others.

Baptism of Fire, BOF, organized the show with the assistance of Culture Fund says it will be a search talent program for artists.

BOF programs manager, Joel Zilala says, ‘’Hurungwe Arts Festival is the golden opportunity to search for talent from the district that is still yet to be tapped. We look forward to see promoters taking the fun and engage our local talent who have the potential to make it nationally or internationally’’ 

Baba Natie to charm Hurungwe Arts Festival

By Our Reporter

Tawanda Chemhere’s soothing poetic voice will be among participants during the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival on 28-29 November 2014.
Born 32 years ago in Alaska mine where he went for primary education is now a household name in dramas.

Though he first made inroads in the artistic field as a poet, Chemhere went to Marere secondary school under Chief Mujinga in Hurungwe and was a regular voice on then Radio 2 with the Jonga Big Zhanje during the program VanaNyanduri.
Chemhere curved his name with popular series of dramas under Ndakaziva Haitungamiri in three parts that he personally markets in Karoi, Kadoma, Masvingo and Gweru among other towns in the country.

Tawanda Chemhere aka Baba Nattie is billed to perform at Hurungwe Arts Festival

‘’I started off my drama project locally where some scenes are in Chiedza and Chikangwe high density suburbs where I want to see the community being part of my reality shows. I focus on social issues especially stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS in some families. We must accept each other than shying away those affected and infected’’, he says.

However he bemoans unprofessional approach by some promoters.

‘’It is unfortunate that some promoters are not professional as they do not take us seriously and may abuse female members because they have money. We look forward to see Hurungwe Arts Festival will assist all artists to be respected and sign better paying contracts. They must start as our voice’ he adds.
Chemhere pays tribute to Karoi residents for being supportive and giving constructive criticism that is shaping his role model status.

‘’Karoi residents are my pillar of hope and Zimbabweans are now appreciating that we can produce best dramas and films in the long run’’, says Chemhere who acts as Baba Natasha.
In the play Ndakaziva Haitungamiri 1-3, he is an outgoing family man who gets HIV virus that causes AIDS after dumping his wife for a girlfriend.

His wife rejects him but she engages in an affair with his younger brother who seduces her though he is also HIV positive.

‘’Such is the reality that many of us are not accepting. Stigma is affecting some of the infected and affected in the community’’, says Chemhere who promises fireworks during the two day showcase in Karoi.

Baptism of Fire, BOF's programs manager Joel Zilala says, ‘’We have workshops lined up as well so that artist will know why it is prudent to make art as a profession and an industry. Artist must take themselves seriously and Hurungwe Arts Festival will unpack everything for all concerned to make it tick’’ 

Majimbos will be at Hurungwe Arts Festival

Majimbos at play
By Our Reporter

Karoi based dance group Craneshaw Heights-Majimbos will be among the participants of the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival on 28-29 November 2014.
The youthful side whose mission is to advocate youths ‘’to be agents of behavioral change’’ are set to play their captivating musical dances during the arts and cultural show.
Majimbos as they are popularly known was established after realization of high levels of unemployment to the learned and unlearned youths in Zimbabwe and increased rates of drug abuse among those in Hurungwe in particular.
The group was formed in Mwami about 45 kilometers north of Karoi town after the youths attended a Red Cross exchange visit in 2009.
Initially they performed at Red Cross Exposure show in 2009-2010, Chikangwe Tavern 2009-2010, Buddyz Annual Festival of Arts [BAFA]-Harare Gardens 2009-2012 alongside One Love Arts [Malawi], Patsimeredu Edutaiment Trust, Schools Acting Academy, Raysodn Baya, Bambelela Arts Group among others.
They have also been active during Red Cross National Youth Camp 2009-2013 where Zimbabwe was being represented with other countries such as Denmark, Finland, Botswana, United States of America, Britain, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia and Spain.
Majimbos also performed at Zimbabwe National Youth Games in2010 were regular feature during Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union Festivals from 2009 to 2013.
They also feature on 16 Days of Activism 2009-2014, Batsirai Festival in 2009-2011, World AIDS Day commemorations from 2009 to 2013, Kadoma Agricultural and Kadoma Exposure shows in 2010.

As a youthful side they are were hired to perform during international World T.B Day 2009 till 2013, Cholera awareness campaigns2009-2012, Hurungwe district education awards 2013, night clubs, Chikangwe tavern, Specks Hotel, Grand Hotel, Mzansi in Kadoma, Mulena night club in Chitungwiza, Hwamambo in Magunje, ZV Hotel in Kariba, Karoi Hotel, As u Like It, Karoi World Endangered Species Commemorations-Wedza, EMA-provincial veld fire awareness, provincial veld fire awareness campaign, provincial Independence commemoration day 2014, performed at the N.A.M.A 2011 edition.

Hurungwe Arts Festival is an initiative of Karoi based drama group Baptism of Fire who got funding for the arts fiesta.

It was funded by Culture Fund and some locals are supporting the move that is the first of its kind in Mashonaland West province.
Majimbos ready to perform in Karoi on 28-29 November 2014 
Communications director Skumbuzo Sibanda says, ‘’Hurungwe Arts Festival will open up avenues for artists and we hope promoters will assist in promoting local talent. We want to take art as a thriving industry with great opportunities to change life for any artist. All bands, drama groups lack motivation and BOF aims higher with Hurungwe Arts Festival’’

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Bambelela Arts Ensemble in Hurungwe

By Nhau Mangirazi

Bulawayo based Bambelela Arts Ensemble, B .A.E, confirmed that they will be part of Hurungwe Arts Festival due to be held in Karoi on 28 to 29 November.

BAE is a non profit making community based theater organization with the vision to be excellent in business that provides best services and plays for development.

The group aims to reduce poverty through highlighting how the government and other civic organizations must protect marginalized communities, encourage citizen participation, creating employment among other issues.

BAE have produced such plays such as Responsible Citizen, Shout for Help, Just Because, Silent Screams where young girls or women suffer through rape by brothers, fathers or close relatives while families will never want it reported as it will ‘’spoil family name’’
Other plays include Crying games, The Civil servant, MaNyathi among others.

The group has won awards that include United Nations Development Program in poverty alleviation NAMA since 2003 till 2009.

In 2009, their member Josphat Ndlovu was nominated NAMA best actor and the group was named Champion of HIV and AIDS through theatre by National Aids council.

They have graced several festivals that include Linkfest from 1995 to 2002, hosted Masakhane Arts 
Festival in 1995, and attended Harare Arts Festival 2000 to 2007, SADC multi disciplinary festival in 2003 in South Africa, Great Zimbabwe Arts Festival in 2013, Intwasa Arts Festival and Inxusa Arts Festival this year.          

Baptism of Fire communication director Skumbuzo Sibanda says, ‘’Hurungwe Arts Festival is about diversity and promoting local talent. We are happy that BAE will be among participants and showcase their talent so that some upcoming groups will learn much about art as an industry’’
Hurungwe Arts Festival got funding from Culture Fund of Zimbabwe in its thrust to promote local talent and it’s the first of its kind in Mashonaland West province

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Hurungwe Arts Festival hosts Uncle Richie

By Nhau Mangirazi
KAROI-The man who took a cue that laughter is best medicine and made his name locally and internationally, Uncle Richie is among participants billed to perform at the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival.
The fiesta is set on 28-29 November 2014 and will bring hope for many of Zimbabweans though his humorous acts.
He started off a comic audio that is literally ‘’killing stress’’ from depressed Zimbabweans locally and internationally.
Richard Mike Matimba is a man of the moment ‘’striking gold’’ with his sweet voice as Uncle Richie.
He has made his name hitting a 43 000 mark on social media Face-book and its still growing. 
The popular Uncle Richie of Unotoshaya kuti zviri kumbofamba sei audio clips is a music teacher who until recently was at Dominican convent junior and high school.
He went commercial on 23 January this year after successfully marketing his comedy throughout the world within a short space of time Unotoshaya kuti zviri kumbofamba sei brand when the first audio was sent via Whatsapp and various activities have taken place.
Currently, he is working with over 30 companies where he does adverts on comedy or presentations.
He has been involved in raising funds for the Tokwe- Mukosi flood victims, Simuka Comedy, Simba the Comic King, Tourism Carnival, Art Exhibition, Moonlight Carnival, Kuwadzana AFM Assembly comedy, Zimbabwe Coalition Crisis with 121 representatives, Buy Local Zimbabwe. Pakare Paye Comedy show, Simuka comedy show for BBC coverage among others.
Uncle Richie is now Green Ambassador for Environmental Management Agency. Although he had been invited to go to United Kingdom, he suffered a setback when his passport was stolen before he could get a visa but Hurungwe will host him without any challenges.
The man of the moment to bring laughter as best medicine has had interviews with Voice of America, Africa Radio Show from Canada, Nehanda Radio based in United Kingdom, BBC radio, promotion for Zimonline Radio.
Uncle Richie has done for all local radio stations under Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cooperation stable.
He has done several adverts for all networks including Net-One, Telecel and Econet and currently being fine-tuned by his Ireland based manager.
 His ringtones are now uploaded Econet’s buddies’ beatz.
Uncle Richie confirmed that he will perform at Hurungwe Arts Festival on 28-29 November 2014 as part of social and cultural performance in Karoi town, situated 204 kilometers north-west of Harare.
He has had songs with South African based Mxolisi Ndlovu and other producers.
 Uncle Richie is working to produce all audio clips of Unotoshaya kuti zviri kumbofamba sei that is now a brand on its own.
 Hurungwe Arts Festival got part of their financial support from Culture Fund and will host local bands, theatre groups, poetry, and traditional dance from local schools and artists from Harare, Bulawayo, Chinhoyi, Masvingo and Mutare among others.
Baptism of Fire, BOF communications director Skumbuzo Sibanda says, ‘’The festival is the first of its kind in Mashonaland West province and Hurungwe is taking the lead. We are inviting many people for the festival that will be for free as part of cultural and arts program’’

Nqobile Malinga, an award winning journalist, multi-lingual poet is among others who have agreed to perform during the event.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Nqobile Malinga to grace Hurungwe Arts Festival

By Nhau Mangirazi

KAROI- Internationally acclaimed multi-lingual poet and award winning journalist Nqobile Malinga is among the participants who confirmed to showcase their talent during the forthcoming Hurungwe Arts Festival, HAF taking place on 28 to 29 November 2014.
Born in Bulawayo and raised in Plumtree near Botswana and Bulawayo, he attended Nopemano primary school, Tokwana Secondary school in Plumtree before enrolling at Pumula and Mpopoma High schools in Bulawayo.
He later studied journalism at Christian College of Southern Africa, CCOSA in Harare.
Currently, Malinga is working for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation as senior producer, presenter and sub editor for both radio and television and presents a kids program on ZBC-TV called Bhek’ Emva as Ukhulu Grand Pa.
He performs his music and poetry in more than ten African languages including Kalanga, Shona, Ndebele, Sesotho, Nambya, Xhosa, Zulu, Swati, Venda, and Sestwana among others.
He is looking forward to use other international languages such as Portuguese, French and Chinese in the near future.
His solo performances have seen him travelling to some Southern African Development Community, SADC countries including Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zambia among others.
He was invited to perform in the United States of America and Shangahai World Travel Expo in China. 
Malinga is a founding member of Mpopoma High School drama club now popularly known as Inkululeko Yabatsha School of Arts, IYASA of the Banolila and bum jive fame.
Locally, he has participated at different social, corporate state functions such Independence Heroes Splash, Umdala Wethu and Unity galas among others
 He won several awards at various artist festivals organized by arts, media and civil organizations including Budding Writers Association of Zimbabwe poetry performance in 2000, Dambudzo Marechera Commemorations 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
Malinga has written over 1000 polished up poems and has performed at over 1500 venues since 1992.
His music talks about social, religious and political issues dwelling on HIV and AIDS, gender, women and children rights.
To his credit Malinga has performed alongside great artists including local super star Oliver Mutukudzi, Sulumani Chimbetu as well as international dub poet Matabaruka and Yasus Afari from Jamaica, Ndingo Johwa from Botswana.
He has also featured at Harare International Festival from 2008 up to 2010.   
He says ‘’Poets are prophets, eyes and ears of the society, watchdogs motivated for the betterment of communities socially, politically and economically’’
Hurungwe Arts Festival is the brainchild of Karoi based drama group Baptism of Fire, BOF.
They got financial support from Culture Fund while some local companies have pledged to assist to make the project as a success.

BOF communication director Skumbuzo Sibanda says, ‘’we are grateful that many artists are supporting our initiative to promote arts industry in Hurungwe district. We look forward to have more local bands, traditional dance groups and this project is a launching pad for promoters to tap the abundant talent from Hurungwe’’